Borletti-Buitoni Trust
08 June 2020

#BBTathomeforawhile –
And the Music Goes …. Online

by Sanitansamble

The difficult situation that is affecting our country has led to the inevitable suspension of all activities related to the Sanitansamble youth orchestra, from the Sanità neighbourhood, and from the Piccola Orchestra di Forcella, located in the Forcella neighbourhood of Naples.

For the students and teachers, it has been a hard time, being in the middle of the educational year and having already scheduled events and concerts that had to be cancelled. The desire to return to regular activities after this tragic and difficult moment has been stronger than anything else and has pushed all of us to get busy to find a solution.

At the beginning of May, for the first time in the history of the two orchestras, we have tested the method of distance learning for orchestra lessons.

The students were all remotely reached by the teachers who regularly gave classes. Each musician has her/his own instrument, which is entrusted to them with a free loan agreement, making it much easier. All activities restarted with enthusiasm.

The students feel fully involved in the project, especially the younger ones, who come from the Piccola Orchestra di Forcella and started in November 2019 and are looking forward to becoming more familiar with the instrument and returning to play together with their fellow musicians.

There has been positive feedback from both orchestras, both from the children and from their families, eagerly waiting for the new start of the activities.

All this has allowed continuity, commitment and training from a technical-instrumental point of view but most importantly it has also favoured the continuity of relationships with both children and their families.

Sanitansamble was one of the first five recipients of  BBT Communities grant in 2019.  See here for details