Since the beginning of the Covid-19 crisis it has been the Trust’s aim to be of support not only to our current winners but also our BBT alumni (110 soloists and ensembles in all) in whatever way we can.
To accomplish this has been a challenge and a privilege for the BBT team. Never have the words ‘being part of the BBT family’ felt more meaningful.
These have been, and will continue to be, extremely tough times for all our BBTers around the world. I hope knowing that the Trust is keeping a watchful eye on their well-being has been of some comfort.
To reinforce our commitment to them we decided to produce and distribute our own BBT face masks. Manufactured in Estonia they are washable and very comfortable to wear. However, more importantly, they carry a message on the side of the mask which says ‘Keep music aLive’. A sentiment which is heartfelt and, I believe, says it all…
BBT artists – all masked. Can you guess who is who? The photos appear elsewhere on the BBT website, so you can check by searching…